Stockell Custom Homes in St. Louis, MO has been named a winner in the Custom Homes for Buyers over 2,500 square feet category of the U.S. Department of Energy’s 2022 Housing Innovation Awards. This is a national award given by the Department of Energy to forward-thinking builders delivering American homebuyers with a better homeowner experience. Owners, Kristy and Donald Stockell will travel to Scottsdale, Arizona in September to be presented the award at the EEBA High Performance Home Summit.
Stockell Custom Homes has been focusing their attention on healthy indoor air quality and energy efficient homes for decades and have recently committed to building all their homes to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (“DOE”) Zero Energy Ready Home standards. Stockell is the only builder in St. Louis County to be named a partner with the DOE ZERH Program.
What does it mean to be zero energy ready? The DOE defines a zero-energy ready home as “a high-performance home which is so energy efficient, that a renewable energy system can offset all or most of its annual energy consumption”. Coupled with superior air filtration, and fresh air in and stale air out – air exchangers, they are also the healthiest homes built today. Stockell believes this is the direction that is needed in the future to maintain home building sustainability and homes that provide healthy living environments for its inhabitants. Stockell Custom Homes is proud of its association with the DOE’s ZERH Program.
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Green Home Builders in St. Louis, MO | Stockell Custom Homes (stockellhomes.com)